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Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Michael Bloomberg for GOP Candidate

Independent Michael Bloomberg could be the GOP's savior in the 2016 election.

Is there a man who can save the party of Republicans from themselves? There may be one, but only one. His name is Michael Bloomberg, and he used to be a Republican (when he was mayor of New York) and a Democrat before that. Now Bloomberg is an independent waiting to be asked to dance by a party that is taking American politics and values down.
The 2016 field of candidates has been a summer circus, but we aren't laughing anymore at Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and the dark rhetoric they (and others) spew against the American traditions of immigration and religious tolerance. By the way, didn't Trump marry an immigrant woman once or twice?
I thought so.
As world leaders gather in Paris today for a global conference on climate change, we must face the sad truth that many Republican lawmakers simply reject the science just as the Vatican did in Galileo's time when he tried to show the planet moved around the sun. Unfortunately, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), the powerful committee chairman, vehemently denies climate change. 

But Bloomberg, to his great credit, is the U.N. Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change. He's a can-do man who can see the future coming in and cares about generations beyond our selfish state of things. That may be most impressive and relevant to right now. Republicans could have a serious candidate if they reached out to the New Yorker as the best chance they have against Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee. He might have cross-over appeal, especially to Democratic men. He is not just about personal glory and aggrandizement.
So draft that wallflower! Bloomberg is a self-made entrepreneur who has made a fortune to rival Trump's, giving much more to philanthropy. He cares about public health in a more meaningful way than Dr. Ben Carson, taking stands against smoking and soda consumption. His broad and deep knowledge makes Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz look like the callow young men they are.

Finally, in the wake of murders at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, we're forced to face the fact that there is not one prominent Republican in office who is pro-abortion rights. None have stepped forward to dial down the harsh language that incites armed and angry white loners to commit hate crimes against women and their reproductive rights. None. In fact, the tough crowd in Congress on the House side is getting more openly hostile toward Planned Parenthood, not less, even as the violence ratchets up. The signals could not be clearer, and they are all on the wrong track. Bloomberg, meanwhile, is pro-abortion rights.
I asked above if there was a man who could save the party. That's because Carly Fiorina and Sarah Palin are the best they can do. Those two mean girls-ladies really take the cake and suggest what a woefully low opinion Republicans have of us. I'll say no more, except: Bloomberg is the man of reason to come to the aid of the party.


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